I’m too late, really, for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Z – being the final word in this series of fun photo prompts. However, I did take these photos of Vika especially for this challenge: Letter Z anywhere in the word or people or animals catching some Zzz’s…




Taken with the Nikon D3000, at Brighton Holiday Park, South Australia, where – like all caravan parks – she was required to be on a leash at all times. The only time it came off was when she put herself to bed in the camper, and while we were travelling – and for the few hours a day we visited my mum over the week in Brighton. Some people had doggy playpens, and we’ll probably invest in one of those for the future. Vika is 16, and she was rapt when we arrived home, a week ago. She didn’t think much of the sea and didn’t volunteer to swim, being more interested in menacing other dogs, no matter their size. She slept well each night, worn out.


Soon, Cee begins a new Fun Foto Challenge based on BIRDS! I can’t wait for her first prompt.


Thanks for looking.



Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, Vika

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge:Z


4 thoughts on “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge:Z

  1. Carol Ann says:

    My Woofy will be 16 this summer…he has a hard time walking but is healthy and loves to eat…although he is very, very thin…always has been. He is a rescue dog from our days in MX…long-haired, black and tan…looks like a miniature Australian Shepherd. He sleeps a lot, too. Hug Zika for us.

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